Expert Witness

Effective. Reasonable. Professional.

Chris serves as an expert witness for law enforcement and public entity litigation including: Use of Force, Patrol, Investigations, Search Warrants & Arrest Warrants, False Arrest and Malicious Prosecution, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Investigations, Training, Monell liability, Policies and Procedures, Sex Crimes, Narcotics and Police Discipline. In addition to having testified several hundred times as both a police officer and attorney, Chris was the lead instructor for courtroom testimony for the Philadelphia Police Department during his time as an Instructor at the Police Academy.

“Prior to accepting a matter, you can expect a thorough and honest initial consultation and evaluation of your case. There is, of course, no charge for this initial consultation. I will provide you my frank assessment of the matter, and whether the actions of involved officers are consistent with their training, the law and best practices in law enforcement. Then, and only then, you can decide whether I am the expert you are looking for.”